Thursday 31 October 2013

Diving in Depth

I had a strange dream. Very different from the previous ones, this was not a nightmare, quite the contrary. The diver from the photos appeared to me. He looked nothing like in the photos, but it was the same man. He was the poet who had written the poems as well. In the dream he floated in the air above me in the bedroom as if we were underwater. He was wearing a strange, heavy diving suit, almost like a spacesuit, and he was shining with a bright light. He told me things that in the dream made perfect sense, but now not so much. I’ve made a habit of keeping a notebook and a pen by my nightstand, so that I can write down my dreams as soon as I wake up, but even then, I feel that I missed or misunderstood a lot of what he told me, already beginning to forget it while I was writing it down. Also, when I read through my own notes now, some of them make no sense. But afterward – and still now – I feel shaken by the powerful emotion I felt in the dream. I’ll try to explain the dream as well as I can.

The diver told me that a dark presence had taken over his girlfriend (the woman in the photos). He’d tried everything he could think of to banish it from her, but everything had failed. In the end, he finally understood what he had to do, finally understood the true nature of the dark place that was hidden under the waves of the lake where they lived. The lake was an opening to dark place that was much bigger than the lake itself, in fact, much bigger than the whole universe we live in. He wrote one last poem, his masterpiece, a secret poem, a hidden poem, a poem that’s not among the poems I’ve found in the shoebox. And he took his girlfriend for one last dive. Together they sank down into the depths, far deeper than he had ever dived before. In the dream, I was there, diving with them. And from the depths, something, or some things, surged up to meet them. Things of darkness, but bright things of light as well. The diver explained that these things, or these presences, were forever fighting a war between the forces of light and darkness. A dark presence had taken over his girlfriend, and a bright presence now came to take over him. And he surrendered his body to it, but at the same time, the essence of who he was kept diving deeper, ever deeper, holding the essence of his girlfriend (their spirits? their souls?). The diver (or what was left of him, his true self) spoke the words of his secret poem. The poem described a new world, an island in this sea of darkness, a safe haven, a paradise, a “baby” universe. The nature of the dark place was such that anything dreamed up there, any dream or a work of art, would come true, just as true as anything in our world can be. And the poem came true and the essence of the diver and the essence of his girlfriend escaped from the darkness and disappeared into this new world to live there happily ever after; while their shapes, his now taken over by a bright presence, as his girlfriend’s had been taken over by a dark presence, surged up, through the opening in the lake to our world, to continue their battle there.           

When I woke up I felt overwhelmingly happy and privileged of having been shown this. I’ve never been so moved by a dream and didn’t think it could even be possible. Even now, even though I’ve forgotten many details, the feeling remains: a feeling of hope. I know that something amazing is coming, that something wonderful is going to happen, and at the same time I know that when it does, it will be something totally different from what I’m expecting, something I could never have imagined. And I know it might take a long time before it does happen, but no matter how long it takes, I’ll be here, waiting.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

My Tough Hobby

Hi guys, we meet again..
I think it is quite long I log in this blogger before..

Since this weekend I got a plan, I want to share with you some of my activities..

From that picture, can you quess what game it is? OK, that is what I'm planning this weekend with my members and my younger brother.
This is what we may call it, wall climbing or climbing rock. You may see it as an easy activity to do it, but trust me, it could killed your arm if you are a beginner.

I'm just an amateur. So the high levels for this wall climbing still not suit for me and my body. I need to train my body to be tough enough so I could climb higher than before.
This game you could attend at any place that serve the wall climbing such as Tasek Ayer Keroh.
There you could see the activities on water such as rolling in a ball on water, archery and others.
So, if you have more time and doesn't know what to do,lets try some of this activities..

Why I like such this activities? It is because, it could increases my body mobility, strength, make my physical stronger and relax my mind.

So, if  you brave enough with height, lets have this game..

Monday 21 October 2013

A Value Of Friendship.

Firstly, I want to say  a very good morning to our viewers...
Now is 3.43 a.m. Already close to dawn..
Friends, or anything that are not from my family and close to me, I very appriciate them..
Because of them, I feel the pain, I feel the happiness, joyful, and etc..
Many things have happened since last 3 years ago..
After the Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran examination, many from us had chose their way to success, to get their ambition, including me..
However, there is a few of my friends who didn't continues their study.. I'm pity about them, but we believe, we have our own ways to success..
Until now, we still contacting each others. With the development of communication in new technologies, we may chat in Whatsapp, Wechat or etc..

 Do you know that, eventhough we did not seeing each others like old ways, but we still can manage the activities as we planned..
Due of their cooperation, toleration, we have reach our goals.. "To Be Together No Matter What Happens".

One of my the oldest friends is Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Razak whom stand at the right side..
We already be a close friends since year 2000.. 
Almost 13 years.. He is the one who always help me when I need..
Motivates me when I can't think of any solutions and others..
That's the real friendship, a friend when we happy and sad..
I hope that even after married, we still can be like the old times..
That is a value of friendships to me..